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Village Ministry


Our team does evangelism in some of the surrounding villages and hospitals. When the village seems ready we will show films like the Jesus Film, The Passion of Christ, and also the 10 Commandments. These photos show our village-wide crusade in October of 2022.


We now have a medical-social work team who watch out for sick children suffering in the villages. This team will base out of the new medical clinic being built in Lwambogo, a village approximately a 30 minute drive east of Welcome Home. In Google Maps it is called Kiko.


We look to take care of whatever the need is to bring that child’s life into a good healthy condition. At the local Jinja Children’s Hospital we were able to refurbish 12 broken down children’s beds making them stronger, new mattresses and an IV pole built onto each end.


Before COVID, we had a medical team that went every two or three months into one of the largest villages where the children were suffering. It is making a big difference to the children’s lives. See Mobile Medical Clinics. A medical clinic facility is being built in the large village of Lwambogo.

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New Dresses were donated from a California ministry for the needy children of the villages.

Ella is back home with her family and makes weekly visits to the Medical Clinic for checkups on her scalp.


Below, Rehana regularly returns to the Village with goats.

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About Us

Welcome Home Ministries Africa (WHMA) is a children's home in Jinja, Uganda, licensed for children from birth to six years old. Each child has a name, a story of loss and pain, also a hope and a dream. We love them all, and our mission is to see each child heal and grow to his or her fullest potential.


Phone: 714-282-7050

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