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Thank you to the many that help us.

  1. To those who support faithfully with finances, without you we would not exist.

  2. To those who pray for the ministry. We appreciate you more than anything.

  3. To the women in America who sew blankest, shorts and dresses for the children.

  4. To the man from Alaska I met on a plane trip that who helped with our water purification unit.

  5. To the volunteers who come to serve and buy formula and groceries and medicines.

  6. To the volunteers who invest tirelessly in the children when they are in Uganda. Your love has left a healing deposit in our children whose lives were bankrupt and so often void of love.

  7. To Alan Young and Cary Trivanovich for their work on this website.

  8. To the Fish farm who gives us free fish monthly.

  9. To the churches and also the schools that raises funds for us.

  10. Big thank you to others who are constantly helping with supplies diapers, clothes, formula , toys


About Us

Welcome Home Ministries Africa (WHMA) is a children's home in Jinja, Uganda, licensed for children from birth to six years old. Each child has a name, a story of loss and pain, also a hope and a dream. We love them all, and our mission is to see each child heal and grow to his or her fullest potential.


Phone: 714-282-7050

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